(Each 30ml bottle is enough to coat a large vehicles)
TITAN:36 Offers 3 years of solid, unfussy protection and unbelievable gloss at an unbeatable price
TITAN:36 is the ultimate nano-coating. TITAN:36 protects against harmful environmental effects such as acid rains, bird droppings, scratches, and UV rays.
TITAN:36 can be applied to the exterior paintwork of your vehicle, painted plastic trim/bumpers and alloy wheels. TITAN:36 will ensure up to 3 years of durable nano-ceramic protection.
TITAN:36 Has been designed to be very easy to apply. The coating is thicker than others on the market which helps to achieve full coverage in one simple application.
- TITAN:36 coated surfaces gain a superhydrophobic surface.
- Ultra simple to maintain. Maintainance washes will become a breeze! The coating helps to repel dirt and road grime.
- Your vehicle will stay cleaner and glossier for longer with TITAN:36
Full application instructions can be found here.
Technical Data Sheet here
- 36 Months durability
- Full-spectrum chemical resistance Ph1-Ph12
- Amazing slickness and gloss
- Extremely high water contact angle
- Protects against acid etching and UV damage